C.E.S.A.R on OpenSource DevelopmentTM

Open Source software development is one of C.E.S.A.R Recife Center for Advanced Studies and Systems directions.

SkankRado Open Source DevelopmentTM

SkankRado is an Open Source software factory that was created on Software Engineering Discipline on Graduated Course of Computer Science at Federal University of Pernambuco.


The CesarDesktop project is an internal initiative that can be used for CESAR and companies that want to develop a central information management console capable to read data from RSS feeds, Mail Server, Web Services and another open standards and arrange them on the console according to the user necessities. The CesarDesktop is an Java/AJAX Open Source project, developed between C.E.S.A.R team and Skankrado open source factory.


Modules Management
Modules sharing
Access control and user authentication
Services integration


Plano de projeto
Use Case
Gerencia de configuração
Plano de Teste

If you want to see more information: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cesardesktop